Paul Phoenix

Paul Phoenix-Stage Pic

Paul Phoenix-Head Pic

Moves List



Character Profile
Paul Phoenix-Pose Pic
Catch Copy Hot-Blooded Martial Artist
Country of Orgin U.S.A.
Fighting Style Combined martial arts based on judo
Age 46
Height 187cm
Weight 81kg
Blood Type O
Occupation None. Still trains with intention of being #1
Hobby Motorcycles
Likes Pizza, smell of gasoline
Dislikes Japanese freeways

Background Info
In the last tournament Paul earned the right to fight Kazuya, but a multi car accident on the expressway prevented Paul from getting to the match on time. He was forced to forfeit. Though Paul has had an enviable career, he has yet to win the one tournament that would mark him as being one of the true greats. Last spring he received an unexpected invitation to the "The 3rd King of the Iron Fist Tournament." With training still as part of his daily regiment, he is still in peak condition, and feels he still has what it takes to win the big one. Though now 46, he still has eyes of an eagle with the strength and reflexes of a tiger!